Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lets talk: Inauguration

As of January 20th, 2009 President 'Elect' Barack Obama's title has beenchanged to simply President Obama. I'm sure everyone across the nation has heard and formulated their opinions on the historical event. There was a school-wide action to have all the students watch coverage before and after, as well as the ceremony itself. I've stumbled across mixed emotions of President Obama and the inauguration party itself.

ABC News reports that "The federal government estimates that it will spend roughly $49 million on the inaugural weekend. Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland have requested another $75 million from the federal government to help pay for their share of police, fire and medical services. And then there is the party bill.We have a budget of roughly $45 million, maybe a little bit more," said Linda Douglas, spokeswoman for the inaugural committee. That's more than the $42.3 million in private funds spent by President Bush's committee in 2005, or the $33 million spent for Bill Clinton's first inaugural in 1993." I also heard there were about 2 or 3 million that showed up. Honestly, it's not surprising. The media keeps pushing the fact that Obama is the first president, which is great and all. Some wont even credit him for that, because he's "half and half". Do you really think anyone "half and half" would even consider running for president 50 years ago? Yes, it's a very significant time for Americans. Were finally progressing. Do I agree with the hundred million in cost? Not so much. It can definitely be spent elsewhere. But I think Obama deserves just as much (if not more) of an inauguration "party" considering the situation.

Lets hope the pessimists eventually come around and try to support us in the crisis happening right now. The last thing we need is more hostility.

"With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter Break.

So, we've had the past 2 weeks off from school. Great... The time off is definitely appreciated but I need to find exciting ways to spend it. A good chunk of my time was spent playing video games such as Warcraft (don't worry, I already know I'm a nerd and get enough flack about it), the Sims, Animal Crossing (also very dorky!) and Zelda. Well... I did ring the Salvation Army bell for two days as volunteer service. I guess that counts for something. One of my plans was to go sledding, but never got around to it. Overall my Winter Break was uneventful aside from the actual holidays. Does anyone have any ideas for something more thrilling? I actually found myself wanting to go back to school!! Then Sunday reared it's ugly head and I'm back.

Friday, December 12, 2008

One Minute Writer - Birthday

"Describe a memorable birthday (yours or another's.)"

One recent/memorable birthday was last May. It was my best friends birthday, but she was the one who took me by surprise! As soon as I came home from school she picked me up to go out and celebrate. First we headed to play Mini-golf, and we couldn't stop laughing. Later, we celebrated at her house with both of our families there to end a great day. We took a million pictures to keep the memories so they will never fade away : ) If a picture is worth a thousand words then I think we can make a novel for all the adventures we had!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blogs of note

Here is a list of a few blogs I found interesting:

The site gives you a "Daily Prompt" to write about, which you have one minute to respond. For example, one good idea is to think about is "If you could have just one perfect minute today, what would it consist of?".
I think this is one of my favorites, the publisher of this site posts REDICULOUS cake wrecks from other blogger users. Some times I can't believe why people create them in the first place, and then decide to take a picture of their "brilliance". Alot of them are spelling errors! I mean, come on. If you put forth the effort to make the cake then take an extra few seconds to correctly spell it! :P
The title drew my attention in seconds. The author Lala Ema writes about life in Granada, Spain. She posts about things such as Andaluciua culture, cooking (with food and drinks), books and family. Lala Ema shows some beautiful pictures of her life in Spain and they really are enjoyable. An interesting read absolutely!
Witty posts criticizing packaging designs.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Learning the Ropes

So I created my very own blog! Figuring out what to do and deciding what to post now. Unfortunately I'm not feeling well today so I need to come up with some awesome Journalism material later : )